Blending our unique collection of question types across the learning path supports connected learning designed to improve engagement, effort, and outcomes.

Find the Gaps.
Create Diagnostic Experiences.

Courses are filled with learners of different skill levels and preparedness.  Diagnostic experiences are typically used early in a course or unit to help identify critical gaps, allowing instruction and practice to be tailored for every learner.

Target Learning.
Create Formative Experiences.

Formative experiences are often the heart of learning path designs, providing diverse practice and preparation routines for learners—from self-check exercise, graded assignments, quizzes, and test prep.  Without diversity in those experiences, many learners find it difficult to remain truly engaged.

Measure Success.
Create Summative Experiences

Build connected learning, measuring learning success with assessments that are entirely aligned with learning experiences and practice you have provided learners throughout the unit or course.


Reach Out!! We Look Forward to Connecting!

Cognero | Teaching and Learning Without Limits!